Nursing homes, assisted living facilities, caregivers, and other forms of elder care are supposed to provide the elderly with the care they deserve. Whether your loved one was harmed through malice or neglect, the Law Offices of Elvis Tran, can help.

If you or your loved one suffered from Elder Abuse, the attorneys at the Law Offices of Elvis Tran, are here to help. 



  • Personal Injury

    April 2022, I successfully litigated and my client settled a personal injury accident for $100,000.

  • Fraud

    July 2021, I successfully litigated and my clients obtained a judgment over $1,100,000 in a fraud matter.

  • Breach of Contract

    April 2021, I successfully litigated (and entered into a confidential settlement) in a breach of contract matter for $875,000.

  • Car Accident Injury

    July 2020, I successfully litigated (and entered into a confidential settlement) in a car accident injury matter for insurance policy limits of $250,000.

  • Negligence Injury

    May 2020, I successfully litigated (and entered into a confidential settlement) in a personal injury negligence matter for $450,000.

  • Hostile Work Environment

    June 2019, I successfully litigated (and entered into a confidential settlement) in an employment matter including allegations of sexual harassment, hostile work environment, and retaliation for $1.5 million dollars.

  • Brain Injury

    November 2018, I successfully second-chaired a traumatic brain injury trial resulting in a jury verdict of $3,816,802. I examined and cross-examined numerous fact witnesses and expert witnesses at trial.

  • Personal Injury II

    July 2017, I successfully litigated (and entered into a confidential settlement) in a personal injury matter for $6 million dollars.

  • Brain Injury II

    January 2017, I successfully litigated (and entered into a confidential settlement) a mild traumatic brain injury case against a prominent musician for $2 million dollars.

  • Wrongful Death

    November 2016, I first-chaired phase one of the alter-ego trial in Zisette v. Starline Tours, et al., LASC Case No. BC569928, wrongful death, which resulted in a finding of alter-ego liability against five different corporate and individual defendants. I then successfully second-chaired phase two, in which the jury awarded $26 million (in non-economic damages), an amount reported to be the largest in the United States for the "loss of love" to a minor's parents.